
Deliverable NoDeliverable NameWork Package Lead BeneficiaryTypeDissemination LevelDue Date (month)Link
D1.1Project handbook including Quality
Management Plan, Risk Assessment and IPR
WP11 - ISIR — Document, reportSEN - Sensitive3
D1.2Data Management PlanWP19 - AEGISR — Document, reportSEN - Sensitive6
D1.3Period 1 Project ReportWP11 - ISIR — Document, reportSEN - Sensitive18
D1.4Final Project ReportWP11 - ISIR — Document, reportSEN - Sensitive36
D2.1Use Case Specification (first version)WP26 - CCR — Document, reportPU - Public4
D2.2Use Case Specification (final version)WP211 - ICERTR — Document, reportPU - Public19
D2.3Technology Analysis and Requirements
Specification (first version)
WP29 - AEGISR — Document, reportPU - Public6
D2.4Technology Analysis and Requirements
Specification (final version)
WP29 - AEGISR — Document, reportPU - Public21
D2.5High Level Architecture (first version)WP27 - INTR — Document, reportPU - Public8
D2.6High Level Architecture (final version)WP27 - INTR — Document, reportPU - Public23
D3.1Static Code Analysers and Formal
Verification Methods (first version)
WP312 - PSTR — Document, reportPU - Public14
D3.2Static Code Analysers and Formal
Verification Methods (final version)
WP312 - PSTR — Document, reportPU - Public30
D3.3Dynamic Testing Analysis Components
(first version)
WP314 - BNRR — Document, reportPU - Public14
D3.4Dynamic Testing Analysis Components
(final version)
WP314 - BNRR — Document, reportPU - Public30
D3.5Hardware Vulnerability and Leakage
Detection (first version)
WP31 - ISIR — Document, reportPU - Public14
D3.6Hardware Vulnerability and Leakage
Detection (final version)
WP31 - ISIR — Document, reportPU - Public30
D3.7Solutions for Security Testing of Low-Level
System Components (first version)
WP32 - VUAR — Document, reportPU - Public14
D3.8Solutions for Security Testing of Low-Level
System Components (final version)
WP32 - VUAR — Document, reportPU - Public30
D4.1Specification of the TBOM StructureWP45 - EISIR — Document, reportPU - Public12
D4.2RESCALE Continuous Security Assurance
Platform (first version)
WP415 - STSR — Document, reportPU - Public14
D4.3RESCALE Continuous Security Assurance
Platform (final version)
WP415 - STSR — Document, reportPU - Public30
D4.4TBOM Security and Trust Mechanism (first
WP413 - S5R — Document, reportPU - Public14
D4.5TBOM Security and Trust Mechanism (final
WP413 - S5R — Document, reportPU - Public30
D5.1Trust Orchestrator (first version)WP57 - INTR — Document, reportPU - Public15
D5.2Trust Orchestrator (final version)WP57 - INTR — Document, reportPU - Public32
D5.3Pilot Deployment, Test and Demonstration
(first version)
WP56 - CCDEM — Demonstrator,
pilot, prototype
PU - Public17
D5.4Pilot Deployment, Test and Demonstration
(final version)
WP56 - CCDEM — Demonstrator,
pilot, prototype
PU - Public34
D5.5Validation and Evaluation Report (first
WP53 - UNSPMFR — Document, reportPU - Public18
D5.6Validation and Evaluation Report (final)WP53 - UNSPMFR — Document, reportPU - Public36
D6.1Project WebsiteWP64 - UPRCDEC —Websites, patent
filings, videos, etc
PU - Public3
D6.2Dissemination Report (first version)WP64 - UPRCR — Document, reportPU - Public18
D6.3Dissemination Report (final version)WP64 - UPRCR — Document, reportPU - Public36
D6.4Initial Exploitation PlanWP68 - CBRLR — Document, reportSEN - Sensitive18
D6.5Final Exploitation Plan and Sustainability
WP68 - CBRLR — Document, reportSEN - Sensitive36